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2024-12-13 19:47:00

I found that the main force started to support the plate at the beginning of this morning. The main force obviously doesn't want the market to go too badly. I don't want the market to go out of the trend of continuous closing. The most obvious place to protect the market came from before the early closing. At about 11:06, the Shanghai Composite Index was instantly smashed green when the banking sector smashed the market, but at this time, funds immediately rushed in to pull the index red, and a small V-shaped reversal appeared on the time-sharing chart. Please look at the chart below-the time-sharing chart of the Shanghai Composite Index in early trading.I'll talk to you here at noon.I found that the main force started to support the plate at the beginning of this morning. The main force obviously doesn't want the market to go too badly. I don't want the market to go out of the trend of continuous closing. The most obvious place to protect the market came from before the early closing. At about 11:06, the Shanghai Composite Index was instantly smashed green when the banking sector smashed the market, but at this time, funds immediately rushed in to pull the index red, and a small V-shaped reversal appeared on the time-sharing chart. Please look at the chart below-the time-sharing chart of the Shanghai Composite Index in early trading.

Statement of the work: Personal opinion, for reference only.Second, it is expected that the market index will be adjusted downwards, and the depth of adjustment will be anchored at 3364 points first. It is expected that there will be strong support at this point. As for the overall market trend, I think the big box market will be launched next. As for the low point of the box, we may have to wait until tomorrow to confirm it. But once we see the signal that the index is out of the shrinking cross star again, or the bottom of the short line will come out.First, the market relies on the 5-day moving average, resulting in an infinite rebound. Let's look at the small rebound first. Small positions are in the right direction, and in a relatively strong direction, there is no problem to stay. Don't worry too much about whether the market will fall next. Because according to my observation, even if the market is adjusted downwards, the depth of adjustment should be relatively limited. Therefore, it is not a big problem for small positions to be inside.

Praise is the greatest support for my pure technical school.We can see that the turnover of the two markets today has shrunk by more than 380 billion compared with the previous trading day. So how to deal with this infinite rebound? Next, the veteran gives two coping tips:We can see that the turnover of the two markets today has shrunk by more than 380 billion compared with the previous trading day. So how to deal with this infinite rebound? Next, the veteran gives two coping tips:

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